Keywords: electrical safety, ergonomics, control devices, electrical insulation, insulating stands, protection devices


Electric injuries at work are highly lethal, which requires careful compliance with the rules and regulations of electrical safety, the use of protective equipment. Any metallurgical enterprise has extensive electrical networks, a significant number of consumers with a line voltage of 380, 660 and 6000 V. In addition, this adds unfavorable working conditions and the presence of factors of increased and special risk of electric shock. All of the above have increased requirements for electrical safety. Electric motors operating in hot shops or in other rooms with high air temperatures must take measures to prevent them from heating above the permissible level. This is done by using the appropriate design of the engines. Two types of execution are used: the blown electric motors – cooling air arrives inside from own or specially established fan; closed blown electric motors – air is supplied from a fan located outside the machine. Proper organization of the workplace in terms of electrical safety is of particular importance for the premises of metallurgical shops. First of all, it is necessary to maintain the standard distance to the live parts and follow the rules of work on electrical installations. The condition of the insulation is important for safety. Modern insulation control devices measure both insulation resistance and the degree of insulation aging and humidity. Lacquer fabrics, organosilicon materials, fiberglass fabrics are now used as a material for electrical insulation in conditions of high temperatures. Fiberglass stands are increasingly used as an electroprotective agent. To prevent the emergency mode of operation of electric motors, experts recommend installing protection devices such as RTT, RTL, UVTZ. The proposed article addresses these issues.


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How to Cite
Ryzhkov, V., Belokon, K., Manidina, E., Manidina, E., & Fomina, N. (2022). ELECTRICAL SAFETY IN FERROUS METALLURGY: FEATURES, ERGONOMICS OF THE WORKPLACE, CONTROL DEVICES, DEVELOPMENT TRENDS. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (2), 116-123. https://doi.org/10.26661/2071-3789-2021-2-14