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Author Guidelines

The journal is an open access publication. All articles are publicly available for viewing, downloading and printing.

Only articles that have the necessary elements are accepted for printing:

  • formulation of the problem in general and its relation to important scientific or practical tasks;
  • analysis of the latest research and publications in which the author started to solve this problem and upon which the author relies on;
  • highlighting of previously unresolved parts of the general problem addressed in the article;
  • formulating the goals of the article (setting the task);
  • presentation of the main research material with full justification of the obtained scientific results;
  • conclusions from this research and prospects for further exploration in this area.

Only electronic versions of articles are accepted (e-mail: Authors without a scientific degree must add a scanned first page of an article with an academic supervisor’s visa “for publication”.

Electronic version requirements: the file in format docx, font Times New Roman, font size 14 pt., line spacing: 1,5. Margins: Left: 3”, Top: 2”, Right: 1,5”, Bottom: 2”.

The article must be supplemented with a separate file with information about author: full name, patronymic, and surname, scientific degree, academic title, place of work (studying), position, cell-phone number, e-mail, branch number of the postal service “Nova Poshta”.

The name of the article file: author’s name in Latin letters (for example: ivanov.doc). The name of the author information file: in Latin letters modelled after: ivanov_avtor.doc.

The sequence of the elements of the article: UDC; name of the article, initials and surname of the author, the educational institution where the author works or studies, e-mail, ORCID, abstract and keywords; presentation of the main material of the article; sources and references.

The abstract (summary), keywords and article title are submitted in Ukrainian and English. The annotation volume should be at least 500 characters with spaces, and the annotation volume in English should be at least 1800 characters with spaces. We draw the attention of the authors to the need for a qualified translation of the abstract and the title of the article in English.

The list of sources and references should be drawn up in accordance with the State Standard of Ukraine 8302:2015 “Bibliographic record, bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of assembly”.

The approximate length of an article is from 0,3 to 1,0 conventionally printed sheets.

Articles are accepted in Ukrainian, Russian and English.

The publication is free of charge for lecturers, postgraduate students, doctoral students (full-time students) and students of the Zaporizhzhia National University, as well as for foreign authors. Payment is made only after the Editorial Board confirms that the article has been accepted for publishing. After the publication of the journal, authors’ copies are sent out.

The Editorial Board does not necessarily share the position expressed by the authors in the articles and is not responsible for the accuracy of the cited data, facts and references.

Contact the Editor-in-Chief Skachkov Viktor Oleksiiovych for questions regarding the design and submission of materials.

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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.