Report 3. Titanium blanks

  • Герман Олександрович Колобов Запорізька державна інженерна академія
  • Костянтин Арікович Печериця ВАТ «Титан Трейд»
  • Василь Володимирович Павлов ДП «Державний науково-дослідний і проектний інститут титану»
  • Олександр Вікторович Осипенко ВАТ «Запорізький титано-магнієвий комбінат»
  • Віра Олегівна Панова Запорізька державна інженерна академія
Keywords: cast titanium blanks, production capacity, trade, export and import, price


Titanium products are finished products manufactured by metallurgical and machine-building enterprises and sent to titanium consumers in various industries. Titanium products include products obtained by metal forming and casting methods: plates, sheets, profiles, tapes, strips, foil, rolls, pipes, rings, forgings, stampings, discs, rods, rods, wire and castings. The article describes the current state of the global titanium industry, indicating the capacities for the production of titanium products by manufacturing countries and individual companies. The situation with the international trade in titanium semi-finished products is considered; the main exporters and importers are indicated. The global production of titanium products is less than the production of titanium sponge and ingots, which is explained by the formation of waste in the manufacturing process. However, the difference in production volumes of titanium products and ingots is decreasing, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of creating added value for titanium products. Titanium products are produced in at least 18 countries. The largest manufacturers are China, the USA, the Russian Federation and Japan. The largest exporters are the USA, China, Great Britain, South Korea, France, Germany and Italy. Of the other countries, Ukraine is the only one whose export in 2016 amounted to more than 1 thousand tons, and the total export of the remaining countries amounted to less than 10% of world exports. The most widely exported titanium products are extruded cylindrical products (rods, rods, etc.), forged and rolled flat products (plates, sheets, etc.). This ratio has remained virtually unchanged since 2011. The largest importers are France, Germany, the USA, Great Britain, South Korea, China and Italy. The most widely imported titanium products are forged rectangular or flat products, extruded cylindrical products. The market for titanium products is strongly influenced by fluctuations in the demand of the aerospace industry. The paper presents a forecast of demand for titanium products by scope and price until 2026. Demand for titanium products in the aerospace industry is expected to grow. In general, the total consumption of titanium products will increase by 2026 to 213 thousand tons. Prices for titanium products, in their real terms, will remain stable (at fixed energy prices and exchange rates).


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How to Cite
Колобов , Г. О., Печериця, К. А., Павлов, В. В., Осипенко, О. В., & Панова, В. О. (2020). CURRENT STATE AND PRRDICT OF DEVELOPMENT OF WORLD TITANIUM INDUSTRY ON PERIOD UP TO 2026: Report 3. Titanium blanks. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1(41), 5-9. Retrieved from