• Anatoliy Nikolaenko Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy
  • Ilmira Tregulova Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy
  • Helen Barishenko Zaporizhzhia State Engineering Academy
Keywords: heat transfer, casting mashine, crystallization, heat transfer coefficient, mold


The heat transfer studies in a rotary casting machine are carried out. It has been established that for uniform ingot cooling, the flow rate of water supplied from different sides of the mold must be matched with heat transfer coefficients calculated for the respective heat exchange directions and along the ingot length. The performance of the casting unit depends largely on the operation of the ingot cooling system, whose main purpose is the continuous and gradual removal of heat during the conversion of molten aluminium to a solid workpiece. However, in the technical documentation for continuous casting and aluminium rolling lines, manufacturers do not provide specific information on the adjustment of cooling systems, which significantly complicates the start-up of rolling-stock units. In this regard, there is a need to develop recommendations for determining the total flow rate of water for cooling the air, as well as the algorithm for distributing it between the individual zones of the mould and creating conditions for stabilization of its thermal regime. Based on the analysis of the equilibrium balance of the crystallizer of the continuous casting machine of aluminium and the mathematical ratios for calculating its components, it is established that the value of the total heat lost with the cooling water can calculate the required total water flow to cool the bar in the foundry machine. An algorithm for the distribution of the determined water flow between the individual zones of the crystallizer is proposed taking into account the coefficients of heat transfer of its multilayer wall in these zones and the system of automatic control, which by the quantity of heat discharged from the crystallizer with the solidified workpiece and the value of heat loss by the cooling water the crystallizer is not only in deviation but also in perturbation. The study of the proposed system was performed on a computer model, created with the help of programming packages of microprocessor controllers "UnityPro" manufactured by "Schnider Eleсtric" and "TIA Rortal" of "Siemens", showed high quality of its work and stability in the appearance of both external and internal disturbances.


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How to Cite
Nikolaenko , A., Tregulova , I., & Barishenko , H. (2020). RESEARCH OF HEAT EXCHANGE IN ROTOR CASTING MACHINE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1(41), 73-78. Retrieved from