• Angelina Gab Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”
  • Dmytro Shakhnin Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”
  • Victor Malyshev Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”
  • Tetiana Nesterenko Zaporizhia national university
  • Volodyslav Rumyantsev Zaporizhia national university
  • Olga Berezhna Zaporizhia national university
Keywords: composite coatings, nickel, superdispersed diamond, fullerene, teflon, connections of metalls


Nickel matrix coatings have become the most widespread among composite electrochemical coatings (CECs). Nickel-based CECs are characterized by high hardness and wear resistance, resistance to corrosion. Fine particles of different nature are easily codeposited with nickel. Considerable attention is paid to nickel coatings containing as a dispersed phase ultrafine diamonds (UFD), fullerene C60 and fluoroplastic (Teflon). Classical sulfuric acid electrolytes are used for the deposition of nickel-UFD CECs. Experimental data indicate a positive effect of UDA on the quality of nickel-diamond coatings. The coefficients of friction decrease from 0.43 to 0.33, and the microhardness increases from 2.45 to 4.31 GPa. Parts coated with CEC-nickel-UFD can last 20 times longer than parts with nickel coating. When depositing diamond layers with a nickel coating on cutting tools, uniform CECs with a particle content of from 20.000 to 25.000 per cm2 of surface are obtained. Structural studies have shown that the entry of nanodiamond particles into the nickel matrix leads to a decrease in grain size, the formation of dislocations in the form of balls and grids along the grain boundaries. Metallographic study of the cross section of the coating section revealed that the CEC of nickel-UFD has a columnar structure. The increase in microhardness with the inclusion of boron in the nickel-diamond CEC may be associated with a change in the morphology of deposits – the transition from columnar to chain-expanded structure. The polarization curves of the deposition of nickel and CEC nickel – C60 show that the introduction of fullerene particles into the electrolyte facilitates the cathode process. CEC has a rough surface, the microprojections of which are formed during the overgrowth of dispersed particles of metal.


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How to Cite
Gab, A., Shakhnin, D., Malyshev, V., Nesterenko, T., Rumyantsev, V., & Berezhna, O. (2022). COMPOSITE ELECTROCHEMICAL COATINGS BASED ON NICKEL: OBTAINING, STRUCTURE, PROPERTIES (REVIEW). Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (2), 44-55.

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