• Volodymyr Zinchenko Zaporozhe national university
  • Viktor Ivanov Zaporozhe national university
  • Yurii Kayukov Zaporozhe national university
  • Volodyslav Rumyancev Zaporozhe national university
Keywords: thermal furnece of chamber type, working volume, warming medium, temperature, surplus pressure, components of fuel, surplus air, algorithm


At the use of the local systems of automatic control for temperature and sur-plus pressure of warming medium in the working volume of flaming thermal furnace of chamber type of their tuning, as a rule, choose independent of each other without the account of their intercommunication. At the same time at a controlling the expense of fuel and air not only a temperature but also pressure changes in the working chamber of furnace, that, in turn, accompanied by the change of interchange of gases with an medium and renders considerable influence on a temperature in a working chamber. All of it is accompanied by the substantial overrun of gaseous fuel, and, as a result, appreciation of value of heat treatment of metal. At the use of chart of heating with the permanent volume of foods of burning in the furnaces of such type a controlling by thermal power is taken to combining of different components of gaseous fuel on condition of providing of the set temperature in the working volume. On principle of the dynamic programming for Bellman optimization of management for the cycle of heat treatment of metal was provided by a choice for every period of quantum of optimal on a cost composition of the applied fuel. The present value of fuel serves is the linear function of middle charges of its separate components in periods of quantum and determination of its minimum value for every discrete moment of time presented as a decision of task of the linear programming. The algorithm of determination is worked out for gaseous fuel separate components charges optimal values and also expense of surplus air, used as managing influences for the automatic systems of control of temperature and surplus pressure of warming medium in the working volume of furnaces. The functional diagram of automatic control system, realization of which allows not only to optimize technology of heating on the cost of separate components of fuel, but also by self-tune to provide the noninteraction of controlling a temperature and surplus pressure of warming medium in the working chamber of furnace of chamber type is offered. In the process of management real-time with optimization on the cost of separate components of fuel the self-tune of the system is executed.


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How to Cite
Zinchenko, V., Ivanov, V., Kayukov, Y., & Rumyancev, V. (2021). ENGINEERING DESIGN ALGORITHM BY THERMAL WORK FOR THERMAL FURNACES OF CHAMBER TYPE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1), 67-73.