• Vyacheslav Tarasov Zaporozhe national university
  • Oksana Vodennikova Zaporozhe national university
  • Sergii Vodennikov Zaporizhzhia polytechnic national university
  • Yehor Lysenko Zaporozhe national university
  • Mylana Makushyna International Humanitarian university


Modern technical means of environment protection from dangerous and harmful effects in picklingworkshops of metallurgical enterprises are analyzed. It is defined that in metal etching theefficiency of scale removal depends on its chemical composition, structure, thickness and etchingconditions, in particular the choice of acid type (sulfuric or hydrochloric) and etching technology.The use of single- or double-sided extractors is proposed in order to prevent harmfulsubstances from getting the air into the working area of the pickling tank. It is analyzed that theamount of air removed by single- and double-sided extractors is determined depending on thewidth and height of the pickling bath; the level of liquid (sulfuric or hydrochloric acids) in thebath; indoor air mobility and the temperature difference between the solution and the ambientair. The use of double-sided suction pumps is proposed for the removal of aerosols formedfrom technological baths for the conditions of the pickling workshops of JISC «Zaporizhstal»,which switched of scale from sulfuric to hydrochloric acid during the etching. The influence ofthe parameters of pickling baths (width and length) and the temperature of the production environmenton the productivity of double-sided suction pumps is analyzed. It is defined that the allowableair temperature of the working area in the pickling department for the cold and warmseasons is 290…296 K and 291…300 K, respectively, while the increase in air temperaturearound the bath from 289 K to 313 K directly proportionally reduces productivity ventilation by71%. Increasing the width of the pickling bath by 0.6 m increases the ventilation productivity by48%, so the range from 0.9 m to 1.2 m is chosen for the appropriate range of tank width. It isnecessary to allocate expediency of the direction of reconstruction of pickling baths taking intoaccount the type of acid which will be used, and working conditions in the production environmentamong the further directions of research.


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How to Cite
Tarasov, V., Vodennikova, O., Vodennikov, S., Lysenko, Y., & Makushyna, M. (2021). INVESTIGATION OF EFFICIENCY OF ON-BOARD SUCTION VACUUM CL E AN E R S’ U SE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1), 118-124.