• Andrii Cheilytko Zaporozhe national university
  • Sergii Il’in Zaporozhe national university
  • Andrii Lavryonov Zaporozhe national university
  • Yurii Belokon Zaporozhe national university


In the field of heat energy, the development and application of new, more efficient dust cleaningunits, which reduce emissions into the atmosphere and preserve some valuable resources forproduction, are of particular interest. It is known that with the growth of innovations intechnological enterprises, the number of harmful emissions into the atmosphere increases andthe ecological state of the environment deteriorates.The development and application of new,more efficient dust collection units that will help reduce emissions into the atmosphere and savesome very valuable resources for production is an urgent area of scientific research. With thegrowth of innovation in technological enterprises, the amount of harmful emissions into theatmosphere increases. The ecological state of the environment is also deteriorating. The mainanalytical dependencies have been developed, which are necessary for constructing amethodology for conducting experiments and calculating dust collection for specific operatingconditions. Methods for calculating cyclones as vortex devices and the study of the operation ofa cyclone for cleaning air from dust were investigated. On the basis of the basic theoreticalprinciples of heat and mass transfer and thermodynamics used during analytical research, amathematical model was proposed. Calculations of new designs of modern cyclones werepresented to obtain their geometric dimensions, resistance and efficiency of dust collection.Modern cyclones are designed to more efficiently remove dust from the air in a variety ofapplications. As a result of theoretical research, the analytical dependences of the mainparameters of the cyclone are determined, which allow to perform their experimental studiesand develop a method of calculating cyclones of new design, which will design dust collectorswith maximum efficiency for specific operating conditions.


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How to Cite
Cheilytko, A., Il’in, S., Lavryonov, A., & Belokon, Y. (2021). RESEARCH OF CYCLONE DESCRIPTIONS FOR GRY CLEANING OF GASES FROM DUST IN METALLURGY. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1), 110-117.