Keywords: machine for continuous casting of blanks, continuous pouring, level fluctuations, equipment diagnostics, stream shooting, metallurgical equipment


Steel production is of great importance in the country's defense capability. Today, there are four active metallurgical enterprises in Ukraine that produce steel both for military needs and for the construction industry. Continuous casting of steel in modern conditions is a promising direction in the metallurgical industry. Due to the economic impracticality of casting steel in a foundry, there is a transition to methods of continuous casting of blanks, therefore it is necessary to increase the requirements for diagnosis and technical condition of the structural elements of the continuous casting machine (CBM). In order to reduce the duration of unforeseeable downtimes caused by technical malfunctions, as well as to avoid accidents with severe economic consequences, it is necessary to increase the requirements for diagnostics and the technical condition of the elements of equipment structures used at MBLZ. One of the main factors that affects the performance of the MBLZ is the methods of diagnosing the equipment based on the results of the crystalliser oscillation diagrams, which is generally determined by the stable operation of the machine. Since the beginning of the construction of the MBLZ, namely from 2003 to the present, research and improvement of diagnostic methods, both of individual nodes and of the machine's performance as a whole, has been continued, therefore this work should be considered relevant. The presented work is aimed at improving the efficiency of the MBLZ nodes due to timely determination and identification of breakdowns by determining the level of oscillation bursts in the crystallizer. In the work, an analysis was carried out with the determination of the main deviations in the work of the MBLZ. The main deviations are summarized in a classification list with a definition of the relative impact on the stream as a whole. In the work, the main attention is paid to diagnosing the equipment and determining the breakdown of this or that node, where it is necessary to perform preventive maintenance or replace the node as a whole. The paper presents practical calculations with the probable determination of deviations in the operation of the MBLZ equipment.


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How to Cite
Volosova, N., Mazur, I., & Volokh, V. (2024). STUDY OF FLUCTUATIONS OF METAL LEVEL IN CRYSTALLISERS OF CONTINUOUS STEEL CASTING MACHINE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (2), 112-118.