Keywords: hydrocyclones, hydrodynamic parameters, productivity, total drag coefficient


The current state of Ukraine’s industry and economy puts forward one of the main requirements for the further development of technical progress in the country, the reduction of capital costs and human resources in the production process. Recently, the spread of cyclone-vortex devices in various fields of technology has been noted, which is due to the possibility of intensification of work processes. Specialized studies of industrial furnaces show that cyclone-vortex devices are one of the most promising heating devices. Cyclone-vortex devices provide a significant intensification of heat exchange, allow to increase the speed and quality of heating products, and reduce fuel consumption. The advantages of cyclone-vortex devices are determined by the aerodynamic structure and the special organization of the movement of flows, therefore the mechanics of gases acquires special importance here. One of the effective energy-saving methods in the heat treatment of long products is the use of local heating in a thermal furnace. The organization of local heating makes it possible to abandon the construction and operation of large furnaces, which gives a significant saving of fuel and material resources, and also allows more rational use of the production areas of enterprises for other technological purposes. The most attractive for these purposes is the use of cyclone furnaces, or cyclone-vortex combustion chambers. Cyclone crucible furnaces are used for the melting of non-ferrous metals in the electronic and radio engineering industry, the use of which has improved both the melting process and increased the coefficient of fuel heat utilization. A cyclone furnace was developed for burning fuel oil in boiler units. For local heating of long rods made of refractory metals, a through-flow cyclone furnace was developed and implemented, which showed satisfactory results. When creating such a furnace, it was necessary to consider a number of issues related to the design of the furnace, as well as issues of heat exchange and aerodynamics. When choosing the design of the furnace, they sought to develop a furnace that would provide a minimum of noise effects with minimal fuel consumption. To intensify the processes of combustion and heat exchange in the furnace, a cyclone-vortex combustion chamber is used.


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How to Cite
Ilin, S., & Sayenko, Y. (2023). RESEARCH OF THE OPERATION OF THE CYCLONE VORTEX COMBUSTION CHAMBER OF A GAS FURNACE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1), 63-72.