A brief overview of industrial technologies for the production of technical silicon is presented, some issues requiring improvement are highlighted. The results of industrial tests of the two-stage technology of melting technical silicon with additives of silicon carbide in the charge are given. SiC waste and silicon carbide produced during the manufacture of silicon carbide heaters were used as sources of silicon carbide. Analyzed potential enterprises – sources of waste silicon carbide materials. Waste from the production of silicate heaters was selected. The issue of waste generation of silitic heaters in the conditions of PJSC “Zaporizhvognetriv” was considered. Experimental melting was carried out in industrial furnaces. Developed industrial technology for melting technical silicon in three-phase furnaces with a capacity of 16.5 MW∙A. The electrical mode of melting was analyzed. The electrophysical properties of the applied charges were investigated. The optimal dosage for each type of introduced waste is determined. Special modes of the process of loading the charge into the furnace are considered. Several options for loading source materials have been tested. The results of performance, energy consumption, total loading of introduced SiC waste and silicon extraction are presented. To expand the raw material base, a search for SiC waste was conducted. Organizational and technical measures for the collection and classification of bulk charge have been developed and implemented. It was established that the addition of SiC-waste from the raw material of the Acheson process has a positive effect on the operation of the furnace. As a result of the work carried out, it was established that small additions of SiC-waste to the charge of silicon smelting are effective: increasing the productivity of the furnace and reducing the specific consumption of electricity.
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