
Increase of exactness for estimation of reliability of highload constructions конструкцій, working in the conditions of the cyclic loading supposes development of the special methods and approaches. The known methods of calculations of reliability use statistical methods which are based on probability and casual processes theories. In these methods microstructure properties of materials of constructions and their changes are not taken into account in process of the ladenings. It is suggested to use the methods of statistical mechanics of structure-heterogeneous environments. There is used the model of environment of class В2. There are entered elements of structure of first-order of trifle in a model, on which set macroscopic properties of material of construction. and elements the second order to the trifle, on which set descriptions of microstructure. In offered approach the statistical constrained task of deformation and destruction of structure-heterogeneous environment decides in the conditions of the cyclic loading. Distribution of casual microstructure tensions is thus calculated, exceeding which maximum values of durability of microstructure components of material results in their destruction. In the conditions of the cyclic loading there is a process of accumulation of microstructure damages. The accumulation of microstructure damages higher of maximum value results in destruction of elements of first-order of trifle. For the estimation of maximum value of accumulation of damages of єлементов of first-order of trifle there are offered the before worked out methods. Calculation of probability of destruction of elementsэлементов of first-order of trifle and sets probability of faultless work (reliability) of construction, working in the conditions of cyclic ladening.


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How to Cite
Skachkov, V., Berezhnya, O., Rumyantsev, V., Skomorokhov, I., & YatsenkoА. (2022). A METHOD OF RELIABILITY ESTIMATION OF THE CONSIDERABLY LOADED CONSTRUCTIONS DURING CYCLE LOADING. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (2), 103-107. https://doi.org/10.26661/2071-3789-2021-2-12

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