• Vyacheslav Tarasov Zaporozhzhia State Engineering Academy
  • Yuriy Kuris State Engineering Academy
  • Vladislav Rumyantsev Zaporozhzhia State Engineering Academy
  • Inna Tkalich Zaporozhzhia State Engineering Academy
Keywords: converter production, extreme rejections of process, strength security, caloradiance, protective screens


Modern state of the converter production is characterized by high intensity smelting and the increased complexity of the technological process and equipment that requires more attention and responsibility of opereting personal. Technogenic safety of the process depends on the correct assessment of dangerous factors of production and define the area. With this purpose hardware and technological scheme of a typical BOF shop and identified hazards in some parts of the process is composed. The causes of violations of the integrity of the lining of the converter production and kvsv and vyplesk liquid metal and slag is disclosed. Theoretical analysis of the period of continuous operation of the converter production without interruption for maintenance, that is, particles of time , when the process takes place without violations of safety standards. Taking into account factory data defect list operation modern converters. Taken into account the total length of time of violations of security settings; extreme off production and violations under the influence of external factors. The violations consisted of deficiencies in oxygen supply, increase of time fine-tuning the quality of the metal to the standard, sudden release of jets of hot and harmful gases through the open mouth of the converter production; the influence of external factors: the disadvantages of a scrap yard, the uneven flow of oxygen , an unstable supply of energy, and others. For comparison, the determined security level of the process taking into account modern energy-saving technologies with a sealed cover the mouth of the converter production and use the physical heat of exhaust gases as secondary energy. There are shown a significant increase in the security level to high by international standards. There are performed calculations and the choice of means of protection from thermal radiation, one of the main hazards of the process. The table of permitted duration of stay of an employee in the area of radiation and allowed time of work in this area during the working day. Developed by stationary combined heat shield, with the possibility of determining their essential quantity and the scheme near the converter production. The rational hazard area to reduce the negative impact of radiation on personnel is determined.


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How to Cite
Tarasov , V., Kuris , Y., Rumyantsev , V., & Tkalich , I. (2020). ABOUT INCREASE OF TECHNOGENIC SAFETY FOR CONVERTER PRODUCTION. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1(41), 115-119. Retrieved from http://metal.journalsofznu.zp.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/23