Keywords: economic security of enterprise, threats, modelling, security, financial security, information security


The article considers methods and models for assessing the economic security of an industrial enterprise. The aim of the research is to develop methods and models for managing the economic security of an industrial enterprise in an unstable external environment. The process of assessing the economic security of enterprise is proposed to be carried out in three stages. First stage: formation of a set of models for determining the economic security of industrial enterprise based on the composition of individual components of the economic security of enterprise. It is proposed to consider the economic security of an industrial enterprise as a system of four functional components: financial, technical and technological, personnel and intellectual, and information. The model for assessing the financial security of enterprise takes into account the level of the financial component of economic security by groups of indicators of liquidity, reliability, financial stability, and profitability. The personnel and intellectual component of the enterprise's security takes into account the level of education, qualifications, and professional characteristics of management and production personnel. The efficiency of the use of production resources and assets of an industrial enterprise is the basis for determining the level of technical and technological security of the enterprise. The level of information security of the enterprise is calculated in terms of directions, stages and bases of information activity of the enterprise At the second stage, the threats are diagnosed and their impact on the economic security of the enterprise is modelled. The method of threat diagnostics is based on determining the maximum amount of damage from the occurrence of threats in the context of the functional components of the economic security of the enterprise. The third stage is forecasting the economic security and protection of an industrial enterprise. Forecasting the economic security of an enterprise provides the basic initial information for making managerial decisions in the process of planning the modes of operation of an enterprise.


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How to Cite
Metelenko, N., Klopov, I., Pliasov, S., & Zagorodnyi, S. (2024). METHODS AND MODELS FOR ASSESSING THE ECONOMIC SECURITY OF AN INDUSTRIAL ENTERPRISE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (2), 20-25.