Keywords: precision alloys, Ni-Mo alloy, utilization of refractory elements, technogenic waste, environmental efficiency of resource saving, optimization


For the development of the charge and the properties of Ni – Mo alloys for the production and distillation of in precision alloys, the physical and chemical power of the ingredients, including technogenic natural resources, was determined. The warehouse of alloys, quality indications of charge storage and technological minds of new legal and acidic materials for precision alloys have been broken up. For the first time in the robotic presentation of techno-economic indicators of the most technogenic inputs, they did not know the place in the metallurgical industry of special steels and alloys of the quality of secondary raw material. The industrial conditions an active experiment was carried out with a wide range of parameters. The content of elements in the ligature varied within, wt.%: nickel 53,0–91,6; molybdenum 2,8–18,4; manganese 1,0–7,8; silicon 0,3–5.6; iron 4,3–15,2. The ligature was obtained in an electric furnace with a main lining using nickel-based alloy waste (precision alloy 79 NM); scale and grinding dust, as well as ferrosilicon FS65, metallic manganese MP‑1, technical nickel oxide and hydrometallurgical molybdenum concentrate. According to the refined methodology, appropriate calculations of the economic efficiency of the utilization of Ni and Mo from man-made waste were performed, taking into account the factors that have developed in actual work. In order to achieve optimal Ni – Mo indicators, taking into account the complex influence of the composition of the charge on reducing the cost of redistribution of ligature smelting, regression analysis was used in the modeling. Using the least squares method on the basis of the results of industrial testing, a mathematical model of the fallow of economic indications in the melting of alloys in place of alloying elements in alloys and technological indications was developed. This made it possible to optimize the main technical and economic fallows of indications of the viability and selection of Ni – Mo ligatures and significantly increased their efficiency.


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How to Cite
Hrigoriev, S., Skachkov, V., Berezhna, O., Varchenko, D., & Hnatyshak, R. (2023). TECHNICAL AND ECONOMIC INDICATORS OF RECEIVING A LIGATURE OF PRECISION ALLOYS BASED ON MAN-TECHNOLOGY WASTE. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1), 85-91.

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