Keywords: acid-base properties, tungstate melts, oxygen electrode, boron oxide, sodium metaborate, melt structure


The nature of electrode processes and equilibria is determined by the change in the ionic composition of melts based on alkali and alkaline earth metals tungstates. Experimental studies show that, depending on the ionic composition of melts, the products of their electrolysis can be tungsten bronzes of various compositions, tungsten oxides, tungsten and its borides. The activity of oxygen ions in the tungstate melt was studied by measuring the EMF of electrochemical cells with oxygen electrodes. One of the electrodes is characterized by constant activity of oxygen ions, which is provided by its diaphragm. The second electrode is immersed in the investigated melt. Potentiometric studies proved that compounds B2O3, Na2B4O7, P2O5, NaPO3, Na4P2O7 are oxygen-ions acceptors and compounds NaBO2, Na3PO4 are donors. The course of the observed dependencies is explained using the theory of conjugated acid-bases. Studies have shown that when boron oxide and sodium metaborate are added to a tungstate melt, BO2 – anions are formed, which is confirmed by structural methods of cooled melts. The results of the study of acid-base interactions in a tungstate melt containing boron oxide or sodium metaborate using the potentiometric method confirm the possibility of using models of the ionic composition of the melt with the formation of polytungstate ions. The agreement of the experimental dependences with the calculated ones confirms the correctness of the proposed models of the ionic composition of the melt. The possibility of controlling the acid-base properties of these melts is of not only theoretical but also practical interest. Knowledge of the structure of tungstate melts with oxygen-containing boron compounds allows you to reasonably approach the choice of electrolyte compositions for obtaining powders and galvanic coatings of tungsten and tungsten borides of a specified composition.


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How to Cite
Gab, A., Shahnin, D., Malyshev, V., Nesterenko, T., Volyar, R., & Zenkovsky, P. (2023). STUDY OF ACID-BASE PROPERTIES OF BORON-CONTAINING TUNGSTEN MELTS UNDER EQUILIBRIUM CONDITIONS. Scientific Journal "Metallurgy", (1), 25-31.